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Note in accordance with the ElektroG

Old electrical appliances must not be disposed of in household waste. For this purpose, electrical appliances are marked with a crossed-out dustbin. The substances contained in old electrical appliances can be reused. Please separate batteries and accumulators that are not enclosed in the old electrical appliance before handing them in.


According to $ 17 Para. 1 and 2 ElektroG in the version of 01.01.2022, we are obliged to take back old appliances free of charge.

You can return your old electrical appliance to us free of charge when you purchase a comparable new electrical appliance (1:1 return). To do this, please fill out this form with our partner zmart24 (in german).

Irrespective of the purchase of a new electrical appliance, you can return an old appliance that is not larger than 25 cm in any dimension to us free of charge (0:1 return - up to 5 appliances). If you would like to return such an old electrical appliance to us, please fill out this form at our partner zmart24 (in german).

Please note that you must label your return of an electrical appliance sufficiently. In the case of insufficiently labelled appliances, the customer will bear the costs of the return shipment.

Please note that you are responsible for deleting personal data on the appliances to be disposed of.

The registration according to § 6 Abs.2 ElektroG at the Stiftung-EAR (Stiftung Elektronik-Altgeräte-Register) has been made under the registration number WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 56172171.

Information obligations in accordance with §18 Para. 2 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act at