Blue Angel - Information from MAUL

Questions and answers about Blue Angel
What is Blue Angel? What does the eco-label stand for?
Blue Angel (Blauer Engel) is the German government's label for environmentally friendly products and services.
As the world's first eco-label, it has stood for independence and credibility for over 35 years.
This makes it a simple and credible means for consumers to better understand the environmental and social aspects of consumption choices.
According to which criteria is the Blue Angel awarded?
Only the best goods and services in a product group from an environmental point of view are awarded the Blue Angel. It guarantees that the high demands on environmental, health and usage properties are met, taking into account the entire life cycle. For each product group, criteria are developed that must be met. In order to reflect technical development, the Federal Environment Agency reviews the criteria every three to four years.
Why should I buy a product with the Blue Angel label?
By buying products with the Blue Angel label, you can be sure that you are getting good products with a lower environmental impact and a high level of health protection compared to other similar products. This way you do something good for yourself, the environment and the future.
Who awards the Blue Angel?
Independence and credibility are guaranteed by the Environmental Label Jury, the Federal Environment Ministry, the Federal Environment Agency and RAL gGmbH. Members of the Environmental Label Jury are: BDI, BUND, DGB, HDE, NABU, vzbv, ZDH, Stiftung Warentest, media, churches, science, the German Association of Cities and representatives of two federal states - currently Bavaria and Berlin.
Which products have the Blue Angel?
More than 12,000 environmentally friendly products and services from around 120 categories from around 1,500 companies have been awarded the Blue Angel, including products from MAUL. You can find an overview on the page A list of MAUL products with the Blue Angel can be found further down this page.
Is the Blue Angel something similar to the Green Dot?
No. The Green Dot is a licence mark for the use of the Dual System of Germany, a private waste disposal company for packaging. Unlike the Blue Angel, it is not an environmental label.
Are products with the Blue Angel more expensive than others?
No. At least for MAUL we can say: It is possible to develop and manufacture environmentally friendly products at comparable prices.
Which MAUL products are available with the Blue Angel eco-label?
- Solar-Briefwaage MAULtec S
- Solar-Briefwaage MAULcompact S
- Solar-Briefwaage MAULtronic S
- Solar-Paketwaage MAULparcel S
- Solar-Portowaage MAULtronic S porto
What is so special about these products?
Was ist das Besondere an diesen Produkten?

MAUL solar scales were developed with environmental considerations in mind. Solar technology will save several hundred thousand batteries per year. Environmentally friendly disposal has also been taken into consideration: material labelling, plug-in and snap connections allow for sorted disposal. MAUL was the first company to achieve this with parcel scales - a design that was rewarded with a patent.
The heart of our solar scales is the measuring sensor developed and patented by MAUL. It measures the movement caused by the pressure of the weight. On a 2kg MAUL scale, a weight of 1g corresponds to a transducer movement of 0.00035mm - invisible to the naked eye.
Earlier electronic circuits required quite a bit of energy. By developing a mixed-signal asic, MAUL managed to reduce energy consumption by a factor of 320. MAUL was the first company to develop letter scales powered with pure solar energy - a world first at the time.
The energy consumption of the MAUL solar scales is a tiny 0.00004 Watt - the millionth part of a 40 Watt light bulb. Surplus energy is stored in a gold capacitor and made available in unfavourable lighting conditions (below 150 lux). This makes it possible to use the scales even in poor lighting conditions.
Where can I get these environmentally friendly products?
MAUL products with the Blue Angel can be found in well-stocked stores or in our online shop.
What else is interesting at MAUL on the subject of the environment?
Interesting facts about MAUL and our resource-saving and environmentally friendly activities can be found here